Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Merry Christmas!

DISCOURAGED FORWARD! Junior Cape Crusaders Worldwide and our trusty side-kick "almost very out" Francis!

Well Junior Cape Crusaders we received our Christmas message from our contact in Kubal. And a Very Merry Christmas it will be. Our Super Secret Agent 45X reports:

  • Jack&CO most likely to serve their entire jail time.
  • Humans Rights Watch is investigating former Defense Minister Marshall Mohammad Qasim FAHIM for violations of human rights and they may be interested to know that Jack&Co was connected to that man.

Well now it looks like Jack's old pal Qasim Fahim may be having the same problems as good old Jack and crew.... Now lets talk about human rights violations!

So Junior Cape Crusaders as we prepare for Ole' Saint Nick lets remember our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader "Commander" Jack Idema and his Stupor Patriots Counter-Terrorist killing force will still be sitting in they're luxury prison cell sending our their "Jack Idema is a Commander in the United Front Military Forces" media buy e-mails. Oh yeah and complaining about not getting turkey dinners. Lets see how creative Jack and Company can be about what they will not be getting for Christmas?

We here at Stupor Patriots wish all of our Junior Cape Crusaders (and yes Jack you too) a Very Merry Christmas.



Caoilfhionn said...

Christmas is not in November, idiot! But then...looks to me as though something must have happened since you haven't posted any trash here since November.

Did somebody who knows all about you respond with some facts to refute your inflammatory bs and you're crying for your mommy? Guess so.

Stupor Patriots said...


Merry Christmas to you too, even though we posted in November.... We decided to take December off...

Good Luck with the Free Jack Idema gig... We know you will finally win his about four years......

Caoilfhionn said...

Marshal Muhammad Qasim Fahim, the former minister of defense has been appointed by Karzai to Parliament, I wonder if Karzai will be investigated for human rights violations!

bwahahahah! Stay tuned, caped crusaders, because December 19th is closer than you think!

Caoilfhionn said...

Dear Kentucky fried chickens and Morris: The NYT just reported that Parliament is going to have their first session on December 19, and Fahim is going to be one of them.

So...I sure hope you all have your overnight bags packed and your running shoes on, lol...

Maybe you can get your bullshit humanitarian story together so you can find more turbans to smear with chicken blood and dirt--just like the bloody machete story of 1994, right Artis?


Stupor Patriots said...

HOHUM! Caoilfhionn is running her mouth again.....

Jack your not coming home.... So no matter what position Fahim holds your staying exactly where you jail.... Besides one waits you here as well.....

Your new girlfriend and robot Caoilfhionn.... seems to enjoy smearing people just like her heroboy..... Nice Chirstian woman Caoilfhionn...

The only problem with all of this is... Your the only one in jail..... The others for some strange reason are not. But then again jack loves double standards. Jack rails against the press that offends him... but uses the press stories he loves to smear those who threaten him.... Jack your the biggest scumbag walking and your new found friend "Caoilfhionn" is just like you....

Nice of her...especially since she has had her own very interesting personal problems of which we are very well aware of. Caoilfhionn your our next topic of posting.... Matter of fact... Your our first story of 2006....

Hell Jack you do know how to pick them....

Caoilfhionn said...

Oh, that is rich and hilarious.

No, I'm just reporting stuff other than what you guys have successfully passed off as "expert" information which is trash and lies.

Sorry, Joe, but repeating the same stuff that came from your little clique of illiterate journalists isn't what I'm interested in.

At least the SF were able to find out about YOUR REAL's too bad the media didn't check you out beforehand..but then we all know the media isn't reliable for news anymore, that's why bloggers have cropped up.

I don't care what you THINK you have on me...because things are not always as they appear, especially when it comes from Columbia University and the associated smear Jack cabal, lol

Stupor Patriots said...

First CAO.... You have no clue who we are... We will tell you this much. Cafasso, Artis and Morris have nothing to do with this site. You will find out very soon who we actually are. We are getting slightly tired of Jacks nonsense...

Second you would not know the truth if it kicked you in the ass. You cheery pick the facts you wish to print, just like your hero. The only one here passing stupidity, hate, misrepresentations and distortions by using the Internet is you.

We hope your latest post on Cafasso, Artis and Morris is taken seriously by their lawyers. Jack can do all the disinformation he wants being locked up in Afghanistan makes it difficult for recourse. But your not in Afghanistan and we sincerely hope that Cafasso, Artis and Morris's lawyers come directly after you. You do deserve it. What you printed was botha double standard and an out right falsehood.....

Jack cannot and will not prove anything in any Court. He had his chance and refused and so he was sanctioned by the California Courts. The fine was doubled to $5000.00. So if the mightly Jack Idema was who he said he was. Why did he lose his California case?

Its ashame Jack lies and all you do is swear by it. For example.. Jalali was not fired. He resigned. Why? Because he could no longer assure security because of the musical chairs being played in Kubal with the warlords. You as a so-called Christian woman could give a shit about the Afghan people except to use them like Jack does.

So get a life and a real sense of religion. BTW we hope Jack enjoys his new accommodations... Can you say thank you?

One of us will be in Kubal very shortly.... We will send Jack your regards.....

One last thing about Artis, Cafasso and Morris. Artis is more a hero than you can even imagine. Morris is also someone who has a great heart and you post nothing but trash total trash. And have no clue except what your told by Jack. We will not condone what Cafasso did..but that man has done more to help people than Jack can dream about.....

Cao we seriously hope that their lawyers come after you. You deserve it.......

Caoilfhionn said...

Islamofascist pig.


Stupor Patriots said...

We hope so they do.... ! Bring it on! BTW call Tiffany see if he will represent you.... LOL!

Caoilfhionn said...

psyops crap...! oooh I'm soooo scared!

Will be looking forward to hearing more crickets chirping over here in 2006.

good luck, Columbia U--

Caoilfhionn said...

In case you idiots missed it over at my place:

Dear Cao. Thank you for your great reporting, and ability to feret out the truth. Most importantly, thank you for having the courage to continue, even though these “dirtbags” (as Jake Jacobsen aptly refers to them on your blog) are threatening you.

With great pleasure, we were able to bring a printout copy of your post to Jack late this afternoon (Kabul Time- not Kubal “Ka Bool” as the idiots who wrote you called it). I must say that Jack and his guys were literally busting a gut that these cretins were going to “visit” him.

Jack scrolled, in his own words, the following messages, 1 to you, and 1 to them:

The first message to you is as follows:

“Cao, with deepest thanks and unwavering gratitude from all of us. Freedom will endure. Best wishes, (signed) Jack.”

The second message to “them” is as follows:

“Gentlemen, looking forward to your visit to Pulacharke on the 18th. Please advise arrival time. Dinner and drinks are on us. Feel free to call at anytime. Best Regards, (signed) Jack. RSVP: 070-054-200.”

Caoilfhionn said...

It is now the evening of the 18th in Kabul, gentlemen. Pony up or shut up, big talkin' losers! What's the matter, you don't have enough manners to RSVP to a gracious invitation?

BTW, if you knew Dan's real last name, you would puke.

PS: Jalali was fired. The resignation was a scam so he could return without being disgraced. Some dweeb that has never been to Afghanistan says:

“Its (SIC) ashame (SIC) Jack lies and all you do is swear by it. For example.. Jalali was not fired. He resigned. Why? Because he could no longer assure security because of the musical chairs being played in Kubal (SIC) with the warlords. You as a so-called Christian woman could give a shit about the Afghan people except to use them like Jack does.” (SIC- stands for Spelling InCorrect- dweeb).

Kabul “warlords” is a pretty stupid statement. There were no “Kabul Warlords” except the Taliban. Massoud’s Militia Commanders were from provinces around the country. And ALL OF THEM fought with and were allied with the United States until your pal Jalali arrived on scene. Massoud’s warlords were and are militia commanders that fought to LIBERATE Afghanistan financed by their own money and US Money. (ie: The militia commanders of the revolutionary war- see previous Caos post- were also warlords, they commanded private armies and fought for freedom- they were financed by their own money and by French loans).

Having actually been in Kabul, not KUUU BAAOOOL asshole, in 2002, I can say, and press reports will confirm, that security was fine under the warlords. NO BOMBS, NO KIDNAPPINGS, KIDS FLYING KITES IN THE STREETS. Then your pal Jalali left his reporter job at VOA and became the minister of interior with his phony Colonel title (like Cafasso and Artis and other Idema detractors who all seem to have fancy titles and medals bought or fabricated).

That is when security started deteriorating. Under your pal. Lets see, post war deaths in 2002 in Kabul, like maybe 20. Then Ali Jalali (is that an ice cream cone?) took over and like a thousand civilians or something like that are dead? And exactly WHO should be charged for war crimes?

So, you care sooooo much about the Afghan people? Can you give us an example of what you have done to help them? Sent money? Sent food? Sent clothes? Got a receipt for shipping? Got a photo of you feeding an Afghan baby? Shot any Taliban lately? Oh, I got it, your heart bleeds, you can’t sleep, and you had to go collect disability from your PTSD, night sweats, and bed peeing from all that caring.

Well, the warlords are about to take back over, and $500 bucks says I won’t have to wear my body armor in Kabul anymore in a few months. Talk your shit about Special Forces, since you obviously aren’t, although I am sure you dream about it, but I am.

And I can’t wait to see Idema back in the US and all you little bitches running for cover peeing your pants. You know, I bet your peeing now that all his friends got elected to Parliament, and you’re going to be peeing some more since General Fahim is now right in there with them (and you thought Fahim was going to get indicted with Jack? HA!). I just want to watch, just watch. Cao, you scalp tickets and you’ll be rich. My whole company wants to buy tickets for this.

Caoilfhionn said...

Fahim at this very moment instead of being charged with human rights violations is having his ass kissed by Dick Cheney and Karzai at Zia Massoud's house for dinner.

I notice your secret contact is not on the guest list.

Kiss my ass Columbia U!!!

Stupor Patriots said...


Your a sick twisted woman...get help.... Lots of it! BTW when Jacks gets back the only thing waiting for him is the FBI......

Lastly Fahim is in no position to get Jack released..... Keep dreaming Lynn...... For someone who points to people not being there you have no clue to what is going on in Afdghanistan.....

One last thing....Enjoy what is coming next..... It should make you scream...........