Well boys and girls it look like our new trusty side-kick Psychotic and Homicidal Lynn Thomas of COWS BLOG! has her knickers in a knot! LOL! WOW Talk about stupidity. Now Lynn not everyone at Columbia, Yale, Princeton, Brown and even Harvard is left. Matter of fact there are plenty of conservatives at all of these schools. But of course this is not about who is right or who is left with Jackbo. Its about honesty and truth something that our new trusty side-kick Psychotic and Homicidal Lynn Thomas lacks a great deal of, besides her research is so flawed that a vegetable strainer holds more water and she has proven that her warped mind can actually make oil and water blend well. Laughable..... Your posting is just laughable.......
Now Lynn for the record we have never sent you a e-mail or made any threats to you. However you have indeed stalked others and lets not forget that the Allstate Insurance Company has banned you from using it's computer system for personal use. Why? Oh besides the slander, lies and distortions you have posted, lets not forget about making threats to Artis, Cafasso (who by the way has about as much to do with this site as you do flying the space shuttle) Morris and Steven Pearcy and even propelled a death threat against US Senator John Kerry, which was reported to the United States Capitol Police. We guess they saw a HUGE amount of liability so they sacked you. Yes boys and girls Lynn here can no longer post while at work or use one of Allstates Computers to stalk others with. By the way Lynn....we operate wireless....LOL! Idiot! One last thing Lynn...let us correct you for the 3 millionth time, you were outed by Steven Pearcy after you stalked him and he has filed a police complaint citing YOU as the primary reason for him receiving death threats. Yeah Lynn we know Allstate was sent all those nice articles about you.
So lets set the record straight. There is nothing illicit about this blog or its writings. No rules, regulations and or laws are violated. We even keep it clean here at Stupor Patriots. We do not take a political stance one way or another on any subject except Jackbo and he is a subject alrighty. But lets talk about violating law. Take a good look at our new trusty side-kick Psychotic and Homicidal Lynn Thomas blog COWS BLOG! Besides the stupidity about Columbia University a school that our new trusty side-kick Psychotic and Homicidal Lynn Thomas can only dream of attending..ah....BTW Lynn what college did you graduate from? Oh yeah Allstate U!
Now lets talk about violations of law and court orders......Since Lynn loves to saber rattle about the rule of law, here she goes on and posts, "What we have all been waiting for"! Now Lynn and and you too John Tiffany Esq, since a ethics complaint has been filed against you and we assume you allowed this to happen. What Lynn and Tiffany have done here by posting Ed Artis's deposition which is still under a protective order by the California Courts, is nothing more than a serious "contempt of court" violation. Nice going Tiffany!!! Man you have just not learned. What's it going to take? Revocation of your license? You can bet we will make sure that this gets noticed by the Ethics Committee.
First of all this is a hostile deposition and the last thing you do is give the otherside any ammunition and posting this proves nothing. ZIPPO! NADA! While we remind you that Jackbo and his former attorney and our former trusty side-kick Francis were sanctioned by the courts to the tune of $5000.00 for not answering the discovery in the cross complaint. Artis, Cafasso and Morris were never penalized.....BTW Lynn you moron and dolt... Talk about stalking and slander... You have never met Artis, Cafasso or Morris and you continueto slander and distort the record. Matter of fact, Ed Artis is a decorated combat medic, not just a medic, who served in Vietnam in combat. Combat ...C O M B A T! Something that Jackbo knows crapola about. Jackbo's made many claims of killing terrorists. Cite one example Lynn? Go ahead Lynn cite one example....Just cite one for us so that we can have a murder investigation opened by the Afghan MOI.... Your son's Lynn have more respect for the services that Ed Artis as provided for our Country than you do. Nice Christian woman you are.... Oh Yeah Lynn we also note that one of your Swift Boat hero's just got outed for writing horsehocky as well. Humm...he must have had the same publicists and blogger lover as Jackbo.....
Lets once again show you just how much full of bull-sheet-rock our new trusty side-kick Psychotic and Homicidal Lynn Thomas and Jackbo really are. Both have railed about Abdul Rahman (and we laughed we knew this one was coming) and Jackbo's hero
Afghan Lawmakers Demand Convert Be Held``We sent a letter and called the Interior Ministry and demanded they not allow Abdul Rahman to leave the country,'' parliamentary speaker Yunus Qanooni told reporters on behalf of the entire body.
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Afghanistan's parliament demanded Wednesday that the government prevent a man who faced the death penalty for abandoning Islam for Christianity from being able to flee the country.Abdul Rahman, 41, was released from prison Monday after a court dropped charges of apostasy against him because of a lack of evidence and suspicions he may be mentally ill.
President Hamid Karzai had been under heavy international pressure to drop the case.Rahman was released from the high-security Policharki prison on the outskirts of the capital late Monday. Justice Minister Mohammed Sarwar Danish said Tuesday that Rahman was staying at a ``safe location'' in Kabul.His current whereabouts are unknown but he likely is still in the country.The Italian government granted asylum to Rahman after Muslim clerics called for his death.
Afghan lawmakers debated the issue Wednesday and said Rahman should not be allowed to leave the country. However, they did not take a formal vote on the issue.***
``We sent a letter and called the Interior Ministry and demanded they not allow Abdul Rahman to leave the country,'' parliamentary speaker Yunus Qanooni told reporters on behalf of the entire body.
Interior Ministry officials could not immediately be reached for comment. Rahman was put on trial last week for converting 16 years ago while he was a medical aid worker for an international Christian group helping Afghan refugees in Pakistan. He was carrying a Bible when arrested and faced the death penalty under Afghanistan's Islamic laws. The case caused an outcry in the United States and other nations that helped oust the hard-line Taliban regime in late 2001 and provide aid and military support for Karzai.
Muslim clerics condemned Rahman's release, saying it was a ``betrayal of Islam,'' and threatened to incite violent protests.*** Some 500 Muslim leaders, students and others gathered Wednesday in a mosque in southern Qalat town and criticized the government for releasing Rahman, said Abdulrahman Jan, the top cleric in Zabul province. He said the government should either force Rahman to convert back to Islam or kill him.``This is a terrible thing and a major shame for Afghanistan,'' he said. Rahman has appealed to leave Afghanistan, and the United Nations has been working to find a country willing to take him.Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi said Rome would be happy to give asylum to Rahman.
His Cabinet granted asylum later Wednesday.``I say that we are very glad to be able to welcome someone who has been so courageous,'' Berlusconi said. Italy has close ties with Afghanistan, whose former king, Mohammed Zaher Shah, was allowed to live in exile in Rome with his family for 30 years. The former royals returned to Kabul after the Taliban fell.
The United States and Germany welcomed Rahman's release from prison.``Obviously it's good news that he has been released,'' White House press secretary Scott McClellan said.Germany, a major donor to Afghanistan that has about 2,000 troops in the NATO security force, also expressed satisfaction.``I think this is a sensible signal to the international community but also for the situation in Afghanistan,'' German Chancellor Angela Merkel said. 03/29/06 09:09 EST"
Well Jackbo with friends like Yunus Qanooni, Afghanistan is your kind of place...all screwed up! And Lynn with research like yours we now understand why Allstate Insurance has you pushing paper and licking stamps rather than underwriting....
Where's my outing, ya' little bitches?
Hey there big boy.... hows life been treating you lately? Oh that's right we keep forgetting...you don't have a life.... Were so very sorry for you.....
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