Act 2,465,347 of the Jack Idema Story..."The Circus Of One"!
Well Junior Cape Crusaders the saga continues.... Here we have Jackbo suing Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) over a factural story about his zany exploits as a one man
"Ever since my two Columbia University postings here and here-I have been receiving an avalanche of emails about the now completely debunked Columbia Journalism School article about Jack Idema and his team. The case against Columbia University is now making its way through the Los Angeles County Superior Courts. Although it's a great story, a 'to-die-for' story, actually, it's an unfortunate fact that I have been asked not to write about the Columbia University Article or case by the attorneys involved.
Please understand: I am not ignoring your requests for more information. For those of you who who've been following the story here, you know how the events have unfolded, the website involved, and have even had the appalling experience to read some of the inflammatory hateful comments left by these people. For those who are new to Cao's blog and would like to know what happened, or haven't been around and have missed the excitement, for the record, recent events forced me to make an important decision.
You see, for months I have been pummeled with angry, threatening, and profane messages by a small group against Idema, and I discovered, to my surprise, that the messages originated from Columbia University computers. The threats became extremely nasty, but were very real and personal. Then a blog also run from Columbia University, started slandering me, and then my family. Columbia was asked to stop the threats and postings, and they did not. Columbia wanted to ignore the law, and their own rules for online behavior and rules for using Columbia University computer resources. So, Columbia University and the Columbia School of Journalism helped me make this decision:
I am now a witness in the case of Captain Brent Bennett and Jack Idema vs. Columbia University (or CJR), Google, and several others. To remain an impartial witness I should probably not comment on the case or divulge any information regarding the case or the evidence presented. Besides, Columbia's army of lawyers are spending a great deal of their time camped out on my blog, just waiting or looking for something, although I have no idea what.
But I will continue my support of Idema and his men at Pulacharke, participate in the blogburst for their release, and continue to blog about surrounding events. I just won't be posting comments about the Columbia case or using any of the legal materials in that case, at least until it all becomes public. Of course, that doesn't stop me from talking about Columbia University's involvement in the Yale/Taliban debate (Columbia computers seem to have done some damage there, too). Thanks for all the concern and support.
Maybe the Columbia lawyers reading this blog everyday will wake up and read their client's computer policy below and stop the threats emanating from those "hallowed halls of journalism and ethics".
~Cao.""To remain an impartial witness".... "Maybe the Columbia lawyers reading this blog everyday will wake up and read their client's computer policy below and stop the threats emanating from those "hallowed halls of journalism and ethics".
This is the stuff SNL is made for! Our trusty side-kick is now a witness.... The poor wounded woman! Oh you poor thing! So you want to talk threats? LOL! Let's talk about a impeaching the witness..... Can you say Flag-in-Toilet Artist Gets Threats! How about Treason Hunters Contest! NO? Eddy Reames? Or better yet just read Cao's Blog and her Wideawakes! Not satisfied with that? Just subpoena Joan Crockett of the Allstate Insurance Company. Or contact the United States Capitol Police say, Special Agent Thacher!
Well lets see here... Now here is proof of a conspiracy. Lynn Thomas has admitted here that she has been in contact with Jackbo's lawyers. That through Jackbo's lawyers she posted a partial deposition that was under a Court Order of Protection. That she is and has been involved as a accessory to perpetrate a fraud. Nice Christian Woman ... Got to love this Psychotic and Homicidal Lynn Thomas! She has been receiving threats..... LOL! Sick girl Lynn you really need help!
We guess its going to be testilying as a plaintiff strategy here. Now with all of this we have the makings for a great Civil RICO cross-complaint. Jackbo trying to defraud Columbia Journalism Review and of course the Courts. As we told you it's Jackbo's favorite song.... It's A Conspiracy! Though we are really disappointed with Jackbo's lawyers for not being more creative. Guess they make them pretty stupid these days.
Dang Puzzulli didn't the last one teach you anything? Whats Jackbo got hanging over you Puzzulli? Pictures of you and sheep? Or are you into Jackbo for some big bucks? Got to tell ya Francis....CJR's lawyers are some of the best Frist Amendment Lawyers in the Country. Well thank god that neither you nor Gummo graduated from a renown law school.... Talk about an embarrassment..... The only lawsuit Jack has won so far is that insurance scam wher he sued his own fathers insurance company and that lawsuit smells of fraud big time!
Now here comes ACT 2,465,348
Now enters the Court Jesters brother.... Michael Grooms.....A/K/A Kendar....though he corrects us as to the spelling K-E-N-D-E-R! Man we have been poking fun at this guy for weeks and he still does not get it! Now here comes the pot calling the kettle black.....
" Kender said...
Now Kendar.... So you want to sue too? LOL! We recommend three lawyers.... 1. Francis CJ "In Again" Puzzulli. 2. John Edwards "Gummo" Tiffany and 3. That World Famous Afghan Bar Licensed Lawyer Jack Idema! Because its going to take pretty stupid lawyers to handle this case and these three are the stupidest we have seen so far.
So Kendar here is upset. Oh poor ol' Kendar......poor...poor Kendar....Well he asked for it!
OK...first off, it is "KENDER", with an "E", and I have to thank you.
You have posted my old address which would not bother me at all, but since I have an interest in the happenings at that address, and you have now placed people other than myself in danger, you have left me no choice but to join in teh lawsuit against you.
See you in court, kids.
Hope you have a good attorney in teh United States, WHERE IT MATTERS!!!
April 08, 2006 2:59 PM