Sunday, April 10, 2005


DISCOURAGED FORWARD! Junior Cape Crusaders!

Let us continue with how our our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack fought nasty evil doer Russians trying to steal and smuggle nuclear weapons to terrorist! There are many versions of this story (just like the 1000 versions of how the AQ Tapes were found dead Japanese reporters and all).
So let's start to review some of the notes as our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack reports them. But first to understand some of this Junior Cape Crusaders you must understand how our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack did business as a undercover intelligence agent!

All of our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack's businesses (CTG Media, PBN News, NGU Films,, HFBL Group, Counterr Group) operated using the same mailing address (P.O. Box 691, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28302). Never Give Up Films, LLC, The Hunt for Bin Laden LLC, Counter-Terrorism-Inc are all corporations registered in the States of Delaware through various registered agents, the state and status of registration for CTG Media and PBN News are unknown although the state of Delaware has no record for them.

Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack is listed as the administrative, technical, and billing contact for PBN and He is also the administrative and technical contact for Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack is listed as affiliated with PBN News by his postings to Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc. and CTG Media by his affiliation. Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack's wife Viktoria Runningwolf Idema (her real name was Vickie Boyette (like jumping parole is not a "crime" these days) was the administrative contact for She was also listed as the Director of Sales for the Al Queda training tapes our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack was selling through PBN News as the publicist for PBN News. She was also listed as the publicist for Robin Moores Book The Hunt For Bin Laden and its official Internet site.

BUT! Junior Cape Crusaders Terrorist Crime Fighters Worldwide those AWIA guy's want you to believe that all of these were separate corporations! Nothing can be further from the truth! Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack was wise and had other BLACK OPS Companies (or was it co-mingled companies? BTW hows the Jeep these days?).

So let's now Junior Cape Crusaders read and listen to how our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack explains his Stupor Secret NOC Ops in Lithuania!!!!

"In 1991, Idema, a non-commissioned officer in the U.S. Special Forces, returned from a mission in Eastern Europe with quite a story to tell." "Mr. Idema, acting as an advisor to the Lithuanian government" ( LexisOne, Former Green Beret Battling Steven Spielberg, by Robert Wiener, 22 Jan 01,)

As reported on our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack's old Never Give Up Films Website "Working together in an official and unofficial capacity, the Lithuanian commando and the Green Beret [Idema] used under cover operatives to gather information" Idema had traveled to Lithuania during their struggle for independence and was acting as an undercover intelligence source. His cover was to instruct the Lithuanian police and to develop a privately funded American Special Operations and police academy for the Baltic states." And "In 1993 he briefed the US Government of terrorist attempts to obtain Weapons of Mass Destruction for use against American cities."

"Idema had been involved in an intelligence gathering mission in the former Soviet Union" WorldNet Daily, Albright’s Zany Antics, by J.R. Nyquist.

"Idema returned to America and was the star of a Pentagon briefing in 1992. Afterward two gentlemen came up to him, congratulated him on his intelligence coup, introduced themselves as representatives from the FBI and CIA.", Stupid Victims or a Dire Threat?, by Barry Farber

Audio Recording of interview with Keith Idema, WNYC - The Leonard Lopate Show: March 06, 2003, Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack Speaks!

INTERVIEWER: "[REFERRING TO MR. IDEMA’S BACKGROUND] advisor to Royal Thai Army Special Forces, Counter Terrorist Task Force Leader, Undercover intelligence agent in Russia, military advisor in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Laos, Cambodia, Eastern Europe working with the Contras in Central America.

[IDEMA] left to go do some intelligence work in 1991 in Russia. I continued to operate and work with special operations throughout the 90's.

In the Part IV Junior Cape Crusaders we will continue to explore how our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack spied on the Russians and came back and stayed loyal to the enemy sources refusing to surrender their identities to the FBI!

KaPOW! KaBOOM! KaZAM! Action Packed!

Remember Junior Cape Crusaders to visit our our Imprisoned POW Hero's at: !


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