Sunday, April 17, 2005

Chapter 3 - The Hunt - Part 1 Beautiful Tashkent!

DISCOURAGED FORWARD ... Junior Cape Crusaders!

In this chapter we will learn how our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack landed in Afghanistan. We all know the story of 911 and the Attack on America (and we are waiting for the second shoe to drop so please stay awake long enough to watch the pretty nuclear detonation). On 911 our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack was glued to the TV and pacing the floor. He had to find a way to get in on this dog. Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack watches the President tell Americans that it's all of our obligation to assist in the Global War On Terrorism ( this is like giving a tank truck of gas and a pack of matches to Jack with permission to have fun) !

But as the first strikes hit the Taliban our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack was dismayed that none of his old Special Forces buddies would even pay attention to our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack (like I wonder why?). This did not stop our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack from scheming up a plan! A Documentary as well!

Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack finding out that a NGO by the name of Partners International Foundation was heading for Afghanistan called on his buddy at Partners and pleaded for a second chance to make things right. Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack's buddy knowing the history of our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack waffled in his principles (yes waffled in his principles) since our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack convinced him that he could do a documentary with his /reporter/producer/stringer friend Gary Skurka (who is not a friend today) .

Well the offer was just to good so for Partners International Foundation to pass up even though our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack's history was well known to them. (Sometimes Junior Cape Crusaders even people with good hearts have, there heads up there asses!) So our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack gets a mission!!!!!

The Mission was to report on the effectiveness of the Humanitarian Daily Rations that US Forces were dropping (at 10,000 ft) in Afghanistan (and some of those drops were more deadly that some of the bombs we were dropping) . As you briefly buzz through this presentation you will see our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack in action! But Junior Cape Crusaders there was another plan that our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack had in mind.

Let us go back a little and see how our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack and the Partners-International Foundation team entered Afghanistan. The Partners Team lead by our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack seems to have had a slight problem entering northern Afghanistan through Uzbekistan. Like they did not have visas and were detained (like jailed) until the Uzbeks could figure out who they were. Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack had his trusty Partners-International Foundation Identification Card and a letter saying that our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack was on a humanitarian mission. Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack reporter/producer/stringer buddy Gary Skurka ( who is not a friend today) had his trusty National Geographic Identification as a reporter.

But our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack and his team were turned back. So our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack got a brain fart storm and they all headed to Tashkent, Uzbekistan where our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack figured that he could scam talk our Embassy into a nice little letter.

Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack knew the ropes. He knew the Special Forces lingo. He knew that the Uzbeks were being hard asses with visas for everyone and he knew that the US Embassy would be flooded with "Special Category's" coming through. Well Junior Cape Crusaders our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack walked right into the US Embassy and talked some shit to the Deputy Military Attache showing his phony US Military Card as a Major Partners-International Foundation ID Card and the Deputy Military Attache immediately gave this letter to Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack! (and the scam begin!)


Yes Junior Cape Crusaders you see it right before your eyes! Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack scammed talked our government right out of its socks taking advantage of the confusion that was hitting our Embassy! Oh My Wait!

How is it that Gary Skurka a National Geographic Reporter is listed as a DOD Contracting Officer?! STAY TUNED... Junior Cape Crusaders as we explore in Part II - The Scam Begins!!


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