Saturday, April 16, 2005

Chapter 2 - 56 Will Get You 3!

Discouraged Forward! Junior Cape Crusaders....

Welcome back! In this chapter we will learn how those dastardly AIAW guy's slammed the door on our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack and how our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack lost his Terrorist Crime Fighting Cape! Yes Junior Cape Crusaders our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack once had a one of about 600 of a kind thriving ahead of it time counter terrorist company named Counterr Group (though being ahead of your time is not always a good thing especially with Jack) !

Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack had his company based in Red Hook, New York (not a great place to have a shoot'em up joint) and our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack trained numerous Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement and International Spy Agencies (love to see these cooked books!) lets not mention a few central american death squads paramilitary. One of the notable figures that our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack trained was the son of our President Ronald Reagan, Ronnie Jr ( and we know that all his marbles are not in one bag) WOWIE!

Counterr Group as reported by our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack was doing a banged up job (so banged up that the neighbors were sick and tired of the noise) so AIAW got the neighbors organized against our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack (another conspiracy) and they started to complain that our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack was causing them to lose sleep (lets not mention a few code violations) ! Can you imagine those nasty neighbors complaining about a little gun fire, explosions, noise??!! So our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack tried to sue the township and lost because AIAW had the Judge in its pocket (like the suit had any standing in the first place) !

So our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack was forced to move to Poughkeepsie, New York and mysteriously got a 200 acre track of land (must have been daddy again!) and started all over again! But AIAW was not satified and secretly began a conspiracy campaign to take business away! So as business went into the tank (more like a hole) our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack's other companies also began to sink! Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack had no other choice and was forced by AIAW to start over-cooking the already cooked books scramble and move to Fayetteville, North Carolina! That's when the dark-side of the force over took our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack and he started to rip-off extend his credit line with his suppliers!

"ELIZABETH CITY -- A Fayetteville businessman convicted of defrauding about 60 companies of more than $200,000 in goods was sentenced to four years in federal prison Tuesday." "Idema was convicted last year of 58 counts of using telephones and fax machines to commit fraud. He also was convicted of conspiracy." Idema, a former Green Beret, was accused of setting up a fake business, United Manufacturing Company, to get supplies for a financially-troubled business, Idema Combat Systems. Companies were never paid for the goods. Idema Combat Systems made vests, pouches and other light-weight gear for the military and industry. "

"Bounty suspect tied to Mesa fraud Jon Kamman The Arizona Republic Jul. 23, 2004 12:00 AM Having lost track of the man who defrauded him 13 years ago, a Mesa businessman was jolted to learn that the ex-convict was arrested in Afghanistan this month leading a team of apparent bounty hunters accused of imprisoning and abusing terror suspects. Hank Deronde, owner of Mesa Photo Supply, wondered Thursday if this and other international exploits of Jonathan Keith Idema were entirely freelance or might have a covert connection with the federal government. The military and diplomats insist not. Deronde's suspicion is fueled by a letter in which a former high Pentagon official sought leniency for Idema in the fraud case.

In 1991, Deronde said, his company supplied $20,500 worth of cameras to a company operated by Idema in Fayetteville, N.C. Bank and other credit references turned out to be a network of false contacts in several states, and Idema's company was just a mail drop, investigators found. More than 50 companies were defrauded of as much as $2 million.
"I had to pay for that equipment, and it almost ruined me," Deronde said. After being scheduled to appear at the trial in U.S. District Court in Fayetteville, Deronde was told he wouldn't be needed. He said he never was informed that Idema had pledged to make restitution. Convicted in 1994 of 58 counts of fraud and conspiracy, Idema served about three years in prison. At his sentencing, a letter from Timothy G. Connolly, principal deputy assistant secretary of Defense for special operations at the time, asked for leniency."

This is when AIAW slammed the door and got our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack busted by the FEDs for 56 Counts of wire Fraud (FRAUD NETS BUSINESSMAN 4-YEAR TERM) stripping our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack of his sacred terrorist crime fighting cape (and all of his weapons) and sent him to prison (feels just like home don't it) !

The trial was explosive our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack fought the case all by himself!

("Idema acted as his own lawyer and relied on boxes of case decisions and government documents in contesting the findings") (``The defendant as a pro se defendant and not being aware of procedure caused every part to go on longer,'' Assistant U.S. Attorney Chris Hamilton said after the hearing.") (At Boyle's order, Idema had a court-appointed lawyer Tuesday. But Idema spoke mostly for himself. Idema said he had just met the lawyer, Alexis Pearce of Raleigh, two weeks ago and that there was no way Pearce could adequately represent him. ``Basically, he said he would fire me,'' Pearce told Boyle. ``I know he doesn't want me to represent him.'')

Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack used every legal trick maneuver he could think of!

Idema tried to get Boyle to excuse himself from the case Tuesday. In a motion, Idema accused Boyle of having a vendetta against him, of threatening witnesses and impeding Idema's attempts to make his case. ") ("During the hearings, Idema made repeated and extensive protests about the evidence used in preparing the sentencing recommendation.")("Idema contends that the scam was undertaken by other employees of his business. He said his prosecution was pushed by workers who went into competition with another Idema business, Special Operations Exposition and Trade Show, which set up conventions for military equipment suppliers. He also contends that the government is seeking to silence him because of his knowledge of national security secrets that are embarrassing to intelligence agencies.")("Idema told the judge that he wanted to file a motion for a new trial. He said 40 pages of documents he recently received from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms prove that he was not involved in the conspiracy. Boyle did not accept the motion but said he would allow it to be introduced later.")

But to no avail our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack went to jail where he learned to refine the abuse for the legal system his lesson and took his medicine (and made up some other wild stories) ! So our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack did his time and was finally released. This did not stop our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack ! He jumped right back into the frying pan breaking gang buster news stories and meeting his true abused love! Viktoria Running Wolf, Victoria Robertson, Vicky Boyette! Who violated her parole dashed off with our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack back to the bat abuse cave and established the Ultimate Pet Resort! Yes Junior Cape Crusaders the Ultimate Pet Restort was actually a front for our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack's Bat Cave! KaBLAM!

Where Junior Cape Crusaders because our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack was a felon the FEDs would not give him back his Bat Terrorist Crime Fighting Tools! So our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack had to work at the Ultimate Pet Resort providing room and housekeeping services! This made our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack very mad so he decided to kick the dog, beat the cat, abuse the wife do something to save his legacy so it would not be wasted! Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack and his new reporter/producer/stringer friend (which is no longer his friend) began writing a movie script about the infamous famous life of our Imprisoned POW Hero leader Jack! Called stupid is as stupid does, An Army of One! (like one pain in the ass)

Well Junior Cape Crusaders the script did not pass the stink factor first go arounds! Later another movie came out that seemed, somewhat, close, maybe slightly distant, to the movie script written by our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack and his trusty reporter/producer/stringer friend (which is not a friend any longer) and so this made our our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack very mad! So our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack found a stupid lawyer and SUED (again) !

(For a preliminary injunction and permanent injunction ordering that defendants and their agents and employees be enjoined from (1) infringing on plaintiffs’ copyrights in Idema’s Story in any manner, including distributing or showing The Peacemaker without Idema’s consent; and (2) designating anything other than Idema’s story as the inspiration for The Peacemaker; and for such other and further relief as the Court deems appropriate.

For a preliminary injunction and permanent injunction ordering that the other defendants, and their agents and employees be enjoined from (1) infringing on plaintiffs’ copyrights in Idema’s Story in any manner, including distributing or publishing One Point Safe’s specific information related to Idema’s Story without Idema’s consent, (2) publishing One Point Safe with a cover medallion falsely designating it as the story that inspired The Peacemaker; and, (3) designating anything other than Idema’s Story as the inspiration for The Peacemaker; and for such other and further relief as the Court deems appropriate.)

And lost! Again! This depressed our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack and he had to find another way to tell the world that he was a GREAT TERRORIST CRIME FIGHTER!

Things were not going well for our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack and work was not panning out (he could not even handle the nice security job a friend got for him) ! Our Imprisoned POW Hero leader Jack needed to be on the front lines again and he was getting depressed!

WHEN ALL OF A SUDDEN! There was a crash (actually three of them two at the WTC and one at the Pentagon) !!!!! Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack JUMPED UP! OH GOD.. he cried (as if he actually believed in God) ! Help me find a scam way to get my Terrorist Crime Fighting Cape Back! I promise to be good!!!!!

Well Junior Cape Crusaders, God answered our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack !!! Holy Grail!! (even God makes mistakes) !

Stay tuned!! Junior Cape Crusaders for the Chapter III - THE HUNT! Where we will learn how our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack screwed over joined a noble and worthy humanitarian cause and group and dashed off to Afghanistan to hunt UBL help poor peasants!

Discouraged Forward!

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