Monday, May 02, 2005

Chapter 3 Part III Binny, Binny Where Is My Binny!


Welcome Back Junior Cape Crusaders to Part III Binny, Binny Where Is My Binny! As we last left our imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack had just did his photo op saved the life of his producer/reporter/stringer/DoD Contracting Officer friend (who is no longer a friend) Gary Scurka.

Our imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack's producer/reporter/stringer/DoD Contracting Officer friend (who is no longer a friend) Gary Scurka was so thankful to Our imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack that he always Mentioned and Here our imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack in all of his press statements!

So Our imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack being the humble hero that he is decided to move on to his mission of surveying the dreaded humanitarian daily rations! In the meantime it was discovered that Our imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack has another plan! That plan Junior Cape Crusaders was to play himself up in a documentary titled "Operation Pathfinder" you know former Green Beret Qualified, Rigger, 18 years a International Terrorist Hunter-Killer, Humanitarian, reporter, and all around good guy becomes National Hero (with plaques to prove it....Hey Jack.... forget the paid and bought for trophy's... post the DD214 signed off by the US Army Inspector General or are ya YELLOW)!

Well Junior Cape Crusaders the Operation Pathfinder plot was discovered by the humanitarian group partnered with Our imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack and heated words were exchanged and the humanitarian group broke away from Our imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack citing his hidden agenda and the fact he was "endangering" others! Our imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack would not be denied his goal of getting his Stupor Terrorist Crime Fighting Cape back and he began to march on alone with his new found Northern alliance friends of whom all thought that Our imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack was none other than a Stupor Secret OO Agent thanks to the document he masterfully swindled appropriated from our Embassy in Tashkent! Of course Our imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack had done no homework and understood all of the geo-political players on the ground.

In the meantime the Partners-International Report was completed and distributed. But Our imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack had to get his warped version of the report into print Humanitarian Daily Rations. Our imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack say's it was he who got it to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, SecDef Don Rumsfield and Secretary of State Colin Powell!

Actually it was personally handed to the Chairman by another source on behalf of Partners International who had asked the General if he had seen the report? General Meyers responded no and was then handed the report on the way out of a news room after the General had just appeared on a Sunday news cast. The same applies to SecState Powell. Jack had jack-shit to do with getting the report to any of the top brass! And if you don't believe this please ask General Meyers and General Powell where they got the report.... It sure the hell did not come from Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack!

The conflict between Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack, his humanitarian mission and what Our imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack wanted really to do in Afghanistan "FIGHT" in direct violation of the agreement he signed with Partner-International started a war itself.

"Agency comes to Lab's defense
By Jennifer Rosinski
Sunday, April 13, 2003

Test reports and e-mails show Natick Labs experts have found safety problems with humanitarian food drops for years, but those findings were ignored by the military agency in charge of the pre-packaged meals.

The News last week reported Natick Labs is being slammed in the New York Times best-seller, "The Hunt for Bin Laden," by Concord author Robin Moore.

Officials at Natick Labs are accused of denying that the meals, dropped from planes over Afghanistan in the fall of 2001, were making residents sick because they were spoiled and contained non-edible moisture absorbing packs.

The book claims a civilian team of former Green Berets led by Keith Idema uncovered the problem and sent a report to Secretary of State Colin Powell, who demanded answers from Natick. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was also said to be angered by the report, according to the book.

Labs officials have denied the Natick base was responsible for the rations, which are now being distributed by hand and truck to civilians in Iraq. So far just under 600,00 of 1.89 million rations have been delivered, defense officials said Friday. Now, representatives of a non-profit agency who claim they went to Afghanistan to investigate problems with the meals have come forward to say the book has falsely accused Natick Labs. And official test reports and e-mails obtained by the News show Natick Labs has warned of problems with the meals, officially known as Humanitarian Daily Rations, since they were developed in 1993.The HDR program is managed by the Defense Security Cooperation Agency in Washington, D.C., but the Defense Supply Center Philadelphia handles contracts with vendors who create the HDRs.

Officials at DSCA said Natick Labs should not be held responsible for the rations, and added that it does not make sense for the Pentagon to demand answers from Natick when they do not run the program. Officials declined to comment further about HDRs or the book, calling it an "unofficial source. "Idema, who has been designated by publisher Random House to speak for the book in place of Moore, defended his case against Natick Labs.

He said he was in Afghanistan when everything started to unfold. "Natick originally denied what I found," he said. "It was only after pictures and video came back that they started to admit it. At first Natick did not trust ground proof. "Representatives from the public affairs and legal departments of Random House did not return calls seeking comment. Attempts to reach Moore were unsuccessful.

Dave Kildee said it was actually his group, Partners International Foundation of Connecticut, that wrote the report on the rations. The report was based on some of Idema's observations of spoiled meals and Afghanis becoming ill. That report, Kildee said, revealed offices in the U.S. Department of Defense and Department of State did not take the necessary steps to fix problems with the HDRs.

"We may have been the first to formally report this stuff, but others had figured this out," Kildee said. "The evidence points to the fact that the DSCA wasn't doing anything with the information. It seems Natick did what they were supposed to do and in some cases more than they were asked to do to find the answers to the questions.

"Idema said Partners stole his information to write their report." I think the question for Partners is, were any of them in Afghanistan? The answer is no." Natick Labs experts have been called on to test the rations' nutritional value, as well as how well they hold up and how far they travel when dropped from cargo planes using a "flutter" system developed at the Labs. In a March 2002 e-mail to Richard Faso, head office chief of Operational Rations for the Defense Supply Center Philadelphia, Gerald Darsch, director of the Natick Labs Combat Feeding Program, shared his frustration over DSCA's habit of ignoring rations problems uncovered by Natick Labs. "It describes in painful detail all the problems that we have surfaced over three years (possibly four), which DSCA has ignored: high failure rate, potential for food-borne illness, ineffective management," Darsch wrote about the Partners report and its mention in a Boston Globe article.

"How much longer is DSCA going to avoid these issues?" Darsch and a Natick Labs spokesman could not be reached for comment. More than a year before the rations were dropped over Afghanistan, a drop test showed "the HDR contents exhibited considerable damage when subjected to free-fall conditions from an altitude of 40,000 feet from a C-17," according to an April 1999 memo to the joint project director of the Combat Feeding Program. The test revealed entrees had the lowest survivability rate (21.5 percent), while cookies had the highest rate (100 percent), the memo said.

The food was edible despite that damage, but testing raised several questions, including whether the rations should be improved, the memo said. Those results, the memo said, are consistent with the findings of a 1993 MRE drop test. MREs are Meals Ready to East consumed by soldiers. In 1993, tests showed that the inside packaging burst in 83 of the 100 MREs dropped from 17,000 feet. The tests, which took place at the U.S. Army's Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona, showed that cheese spreads, drink powders, jelly and potatoes comprised many of the damaged packages. Another 1999 test conducted by Natick Labs revealed vendor-related problems with the HDRs' outer meal bags and fruit pastry packages, which were leaking, according to a memo sent to the joint project director of the Department of Defense's Combat Feeding Program. The test, a simulation using a water tank and vacuum, determined HDR packages would not be damaged if dropped from high altitudes."

"Idema said Partners stole his information to write their report." I think the question for Partners is, were any of them in Afghanistan? The answer is no." ....Ah is this the same group that SPONSORED Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack to Afghanistan with a written contract? Now Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack claims that Partners who he was OBLIGATED TO stole his report?! Liar, Liar Pants on Fire!

Well Our imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack had enough of this silliness! He wanted to get into the fight and capture BIN LADEN (well the 25 million had nothing to do with it either) ! So Our Imprisoned POW Hero Leader General Jack had a spat with his sponsors and decided it was time to go On The Hunt and so he states!

"Date sent: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 02:19:01 +0800
Subject: latest endeavors- & UPI distortion of the real story

From: "J Keith"

Well, as you can see from the latest UPI wire service report, I did get close to Bin Laden-- but procrastination, and logistical problems, made me and my boys a day late and a dollar short ($25 million of them to be exact). However, I did FIND what appeared to be him and his top guys BEFORE the US Govt. But close only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades.

Doesn't mean I won't keep trying. I was lucky enough to have a UPI reporter there on the scene, or no one, probably not even my friends, would have believed me.

the article is total bullshit about asking not to be named, it was supposed to refer to jack, further, it was idependantly verified as the UPI guy was with me during the staging of the operation, and has numerous factual errors. As usual, the writer wrote the story, and the editor lied his ass off and fucked it all up, that's what I get for trusting UPI.

freedom endures,

Stay Tuned for Part IV as we continue the story;

Binny, Binny Where Is My Binny!


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