Monday, June 13, 2005

This little piggy went ot the bank!

Discouraged Forward! Junior Cape Crusaders and our Trusty side-kick Francis!

Well Junior Cape Crusaders and our Trusty side-kick Francis its been a very interesting few days here at the Stupor Patriots Comm Center. As we have posted in our latest saga Liar, Liar Pants on Fire Part Duce there indeed seems to be some very interesting bank records! Guess our imprisoned POW Hero Leader "Groucho" General Jack Idema overlooked these, the ones that do not exist!?

We just giggle on how our imprisoned POW Hero Leader "Groucho" General Jack Idema even had the gall to write off the $525.00 bound for his Hawala buddy Noor Alocozy! You remember Noor he was one of the names on our Friday, May 20, 2005 up-date post "Todays Lesson T & D ! UPDATED!" Case in Point Number 10. Lets take a look at the Bank Records again. If you go all the way to the last page of receipts you will see one noted as #1010 on May 18, 03, Noor Money Transfer, NA [Northern Alliance] Afghan Families Relief Donation. Well Jack we hope you can explain this to the IRS! You did keep books, didn't you?

We also will note that Mr. Alocozy has entered a PLEA AGREEMENT in the case against him. Now Francis and yes you too Gummo. BTW thanks for monitoring our site Gummo we enjoy your company too... Take note of "article f" in the agreement. Remember "These so-called "bank records" DO NOT exist", there are two transfers as it was noted in press reports from our imprisoned POW Hero Leader "Groucho" General Jack Idema to good ol' Noor and could it be that there maybe just a few more than two? But lets take a look at [article f]

"f. I will tell the government about any contacts I may have with any co-defendants or subjects of investigation, or their attorneys or individuals employed by their attorneys; and "

Like we have said, when someone digs a hole the side walls have a tendency to cave in and those standing to close to the edge can just fall in, attorney's included. Wonder who else is going to fall in? Wonder where Jacks money came from? Wonder what else or whom ol'Noor was fronting for? Wonder if ol' Noor was stinging good ol' Jack?

We also note a very interesting OPED on this by Jim Kouri, CPP who is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police! The Patriot Act is Working! Remember as we noted in our post Jack the Hunk and Jack the Lunk! "Excerpt: "Count 10, which charges Lindh with Using and Carrying Firearms and Destructive Devices During Crimes of Violence, carries a 30 year Mandatory Sentence" How about some terrorist, and human rights abuse charges as well as money laundering?

Even our imprisoned POW Hero Leader "Groucho" General Jack Idema claims to have had enough weapons to standoff a small army! ...ah... and who authorized all of this Jack USSF Special Advisor? Yes it seems our imprisoned POW Hero Leader "Groucho General Jack Idema made have not just dug a hole, he may have blasted a crater! But REMEMBER:"These so-called "bank records" DO NOT exist", "These so-called "bank records" DO NOT exist", These so-called "bank records" DO NOT exist", These so-called "bank records" DO NOT exist"!

Well Francis and Gummo inquiring minds want to know what the fight between Vicky and Sargie Bumback at the Fayetteville Post Office was all about last week? Jack holding back on his wife? Again? Ol' Sargie Bumback interfering in another persons marital affair? Or his he just gold digging? Vicky, remember its all about the future!

So Stay Tuned Junior Cape Crusaders and our trusty side-kick Francis with Gummo playing peekaboo! We have more Doc's than a hospital has patients, coming at you soon!



Jacks Got Money!

He hoodwinked ya? He scammed ya? He owes ya?

Contact: Theodore B. Smyth Smyth & Cioffi, L.L.P. 3517 Almanac Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609, Phone: (919) 821-7721 Fax:(919) 821-0019 Web site: ! (This Public Service Announcement is brought to you by The Stupor Patriots where we believe that our imprisoned POW Hero Leader "Groucho" General Jack Idema the deadbeat should pay his bills!)


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