Monday, April 03, 2006

Psychotic and Homicidal Knicker Knots Part Duce!

DISCOURAGED FORWARD! Junior Cape Crusaders Worldwide and our new trusty side-kick Psychotic and Homicidal Lynn Thomas of COWS BLOG!

ROFLMAOWTIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well gang Jackbo is singing his favorite tune again... It's AAAAA Conspiracy.....! Just delusional....

Let us tell you what the latest horsehocky from both COWS BLOG! and her WIDEAWAKES sites are all about. Jackbo is suing Columbia Journalism Review and Mariah Blake over her article Tin Soldier . Kicks!

Jackbo just can't stand factual articles ya know. By the way Jackbo your barking up the wrong tree with CJR.... Your suit will get wacked just like the others. And if CJR needs any real Counterterrorism professionals to give them an opinion about how much Jackbo's Afghan efforts were really worth, may we suggest, Michael Scheuer, Robert Baer, Gary Bernsten and Dewey Clairidge .

But you have to give Jackbo credit... he is consistent....constantly wrong...but consistent none the less.... Who is next? The New Yorker?

So Tiffany and our former side-kick Francis need a little gas for their newest suit and so our new trusty side-kick Psychotic and Homicidal Lynn Thomas is pushing that yours truly...The Stupor Patriots.... is a product of Columbia University and that our posting are ...ah..... illicit..... LIONS, TIGER AND BEARS OH MY ! Try again there Psychotic and Homicidal Lynn Thomas!

You know she is playing Jackbo's favorite song...

It's a Conspiracy!

Sang to the tune of "It's Magic" by Frank Sinatra
(Cause that is what it's going to take to pull off this law suit)

I'm just a humble guy
fighting for money, fame God and Country
What wrong did I do?
Why are they after me?

It's a conspiracy....
The world is out to get me....

Jerry Boykin knew
cause I sent a e-mail to his sec-retary...
Don Rumsfield knew
cause I sent a e-mail to Boykins sec-retary...

It's a conspiracy....
The world is out to get me....

Tumbleweed knew
Cambone and Wolfie too
Cause I sent a e mail to Boykins sec-retary...

It's a conspiracy....
The world is out to get me....

What wrong did I do?
I was phony true and true...
I just hung a few and bragged
I shot a few too... But what could I do....

It's a conspiracy....
The world is out to get me....

I have no recourse but to sue, sue and sue ...
My attorney's are free...
They'll get it back when I make my movie....

It's a conspiracy....
The world is out to get me....

For the record... this site is NOT now or has ever been associated with Columbia University nor does Columbia University hold any editorial rights over Stupor Patriots. Besides Lynn we have every right just as you do to post. Freedom of speech is not yours exclusively. But nice try blending oil and water......

But Piisssssst....Psychotic and Homicidal Lynn Thomas... try this one on for size. Maybe if you get this to Puzzulli and Tiffany in time they can amend their filing and include it!

Idema: Trigger-happy and troublesome

By Richard S Ehrlich ....ah... Richard S Ehrlich is a Bangkok-based journalist from San Francisco, California. He has reported news from Asia since 1978 and is co-author of "Hello My Big Big Honey!", a non-fiction book of investigative journalism. He received a master's degree from Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism. He can be reached at or through his website:

GADZEUS Batman! Its a inter-galactic CONSPIRACY!

Look at the bight side Francis and oh yeah you too Tiffany, after this one is over both of you can add to your curriculum vitae... "Specialist in getting butt kicked by Anti-SLAPP Motions".....


1 comment:

kender said... guys sucks at parody songs....and if this site isn't coming out of columbia u. how come all of the site meter reading that include "inprogress=true" (which means the page is bing PUBLISHED) have a columbia u. IP?

Yeah....lie your way outta that one, bitch!!!!!