Tuesday, September 12, 2006


DISCOURAGED FORWARD! Junior Cape Crusaders Worldwide and our trusty side-kick Psychotic and Homicidal Lynn Thomas of COWS BLOC!

Oh what a hoot Junior Cape Crusaders! Here we have Lynn "The Brain" Thomas spinning her rather large lying fanny off.

LOL! Pro-Jack Idema Rally! LOL! Hey Jackbo we see you got some BIMBOS to fall for your crap! Bad Jackbo has his BIMBO camp now fighting for him! LOL! Hey Jackbo, what ever happen to your wife? You know the one. The one you have not mentioned for almost a year now! Remember Vicky ...eh... whats her name?

Well Junior Cape Crusaders we know better. While women in Afghanistan are very much depressed there are those like the Three Bimbo's here at Afghan Injustice and COW's Blog the fourth BIMBO who are about as phony as Jackbo himself playing on a very serious situation of which they have no clue on. Or maybe this is one of Jackbo's mirror sights? Of course it is its just another Idema vanity site! If these BIMBOS think burkas are a problem then all of them have no clue to what the very serious issues on womans rights are in Afghanistan and they are just insulting all Afghan women!

Hey Jackbo forget Karazi why not try your bubba Younis Qanooni? He is one of the main obstacles for women to gain their rights! Just like Jackbo trying to blame everything on Karazi! What a JACK-ASS he is! Oh hey Lynnbo there are some 64 Women in the Afghan Assembly think you should have tried to get to them to help point them in the right direction? Naaaa that would be a noble cause! Lynnbo went to DC for a Idema photo-op!

There are real and very serious women's groups such as Afghan Womans Network living the nightmare everyday and working with the United Nations fighting the good fight for their rights in a male dominated Afghanistan! Instead of the play acting like the FOUR BIMBOS are pulling off here!

So if Lynn "The Brain" Thomas went to DC to make a statement on burkas she is a bigger idiot and user than we thought. Like she really give a hoot about Afghan Women! Right and Jackbo is the next Space Shuttle Commander! Then to top that off she wants you to believe this was a PRO JACK IDEMA RALLY! What a hoot! Maybe the Four Bimbo's should move to Kabul and really try and fight for womens right and to FREE JACK IDEMA!

What's next Lynnbo you went to the Pentagon on 9/11 to support Jackbo and saw Rummy? What an insult to all the 911 Families who lost love ones! what an insult to all those American Soldiers who lost their lives fighting for us! Instead of paying tribute to those AMERICANS who lost their lives in the attack Lynnbo and the other THREE BIMBOS are using the Afghan womans movement to support Jack Idema! Just like bimbos would do..... Use'em for all there worth! Hey Thomas why not try fighting for a good cause without bringing up JACK-ASS? Like a good Christian women would do! What Christian women? Thats another phony!

If Lynnbo was truly a honest chrsitan woman seeking honest answers she would post Jackbo's old Commanding Officers e-mail and even reply to it. Of course she will never reply to that one or to to Billy Waugh! What a lying sack of Illinois waste! Now old Lynnbo is using the plight of Afghan Women to continue the lie!

Jack your a scumbag! Lynnbo your his lying slutress! The other three bimbos? Well if you put these three and Lynnbo side by side what you would get is..... a aerodynamicly built wind tunnel!

One that could fit both a 747 and Lynnbo lying fanny!

Kicks ...Jackbo saved the Vice President, the Assembly, countless Afghans and of course God as well!

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