Thursday, October 05, 2006

Thomas Rides the BULL!

DISCOURAGED FORWARD! Junior Cape Crusaders and our trusty side-kick Psychotic and Homicidal Lynn"The Lying Brain" Thomas of COWS BLOG!

What a wonderful day! Jack Idema is in jail being stomped on because of his own stupidity and of course helped by the stunt that Lynn "The Lying Brain" Thomas and the four bimbo's pulled last month in front of the Afghan Embassy not just insulting the Afghans but all Afghan women and helped slam the door on Jackbo. Thanks Lynn!

We see in Lynnbo's latest posting at COWS BLOG that Lynn continues the distortions with her laughable idiotic analysis of Jackbo's PROVEN fraudulent AQ Tapes while Lynn continues to attack those who helped put Jack in Jail or wrote the truth about her lover boy. So Thomas how about doing something tell the entire truth? What? That tongue of yours only good for licking Jackbo's coolie?

So Thomas attacks forgetting all about the FACT that Jackbo has had many opportunities to prove his case in court and every time he sued one of the people Thomas continues to wrongly defame he has not just lost in court but ended up being sanctioned and owing the defendants money. Of course Thomas reports on all that? Well of course not! Every time Jackbo has gotten his ass handed to him Thomas rails against the truth and attacks or threatens the person who was wronged. Just like the threat of calling the FBI. LOL! Calling the FBI ! LOL! Lynn Thomas is going to call the FBI! Ok, here is the jist of the conversation between Thomas and the FBI.

"Hello Agent Smith, my name is Lynn Thomas and I am a blogger who supports Jack Idema. You know Jack Idema that hero of Afghanistan you helped set-up, beat and are illegally holding in prison! Well I want to file a complaint! I am being harassed by some people who know Jackbo is a fraud and helped the FBI send him to jail."

This would be a hoot! I am sure that the FBI would immediately send Agents to Lynnbo's trailer park and take her report and start a manhunt! LOL!

Thomas just plainly for what ever demented reason refuses to acknowledge the truth and this includes emails and statements from Jackbo's old Commanding Officer and Green Beret Billy Waugh. But note that Thomas only attacks a selected group of people. You have to ask why? Why not bring to light that Jackbo's old Commanding Officer wrote personally to Thomas and Thomas even refused to answer or post his email. Also note that Thomas has not even mentioned the fact that Billy Waugh slammed the door on Jackbo's private prison. She forgets that 98% of Jackbo's claims have been exposed as BULLSHIT! His military record, how and why he entered Afghanistan, and even the FRAUD Jackbo committed playing US Military covert terrorist hunter killer. But none of this sinks into Thomas lying brain. Yes she is a very sick and demented woman.

But why? Its simple why do women write and want to marry axe murders?
Women like Lynn Thomas are like those who marry prisoners that they met through the mail or through the media while the guy was already in jail. They tend to be shy (note we at Stupor Patriots outed Cao as Lynn Thomas) have low self-esteem, consider themselves to be outsiders, have been victims of abuse, and they hunger for an emotional relationship. They Identification with aggressive personality, rescue fantasies, acts of compassion, they show sympathy for a political cause or for an outcast, the way to be the center of attention and in the limelight, it fills need to be needed and to feel important, a desire for danger or thrills, out of a sense of rebellion and it fills a void caused by failure of, disappointment in, or lack of romantic relationships. This is the same personality disorder that Lynn "The Lying Brain" Thomas suffers from while this is Jack Idema's MO...using women who have low self-esteem. BTW Jackbo where has your WIFE been? Why is she not pounding away for you anymore? Its simple Vicky finally woke up....

Lets also include that the facts about Jackbo Idema are so plain that only a psychotic and homicidal person like Lynn Thomas would continue to pump out the bullshit and attack the people that she has never met and does not even know. Very sick mind, very sick person. You see Junior Cape Crusaders with Lynn "The Lying Brain" Thomas this is not about truth its about not being able to except the fact that for the last few years she has been wrong and proven wrong consistently and that her sexual fantasy has been attacked and exposed as a fraud, using unnamed or perverted sources. So in return of having her wet dreams mopped up Thomas attacks by recycling the same old Jack Idema bullshit with a new spin of the day. Like the last story of Jack becoming a Afghan Citizen! LOL! What a stupid COW Thomas proves herself to be. She proves that her so-called brain is a little off the track. So Thomas we guess Jack surrendered his US Citizenship to become a Afghan! This would only be to good to be true! We would love nothing more than to have Jackbo exiled to the very place he scammed....LOL!

We hope that Thomas's husband sleeps with a Level IV vest on because you never know when Lynnbo is going to snap.

But Lynn "The Lying Brain" Thomas we here at Stupor Patriots are going to very shortly be having the last laugh.... Call it a going away present. We hope that you enjoy the notoriety you are about to get.... LOL!

Hey Jack hows life all alone?

1 comment:

kender said...

well..damn....its been a month plus and where is Cao's "notority"?

Yeah...that's what I thought Joe.....