Monday, January 09, 2006

The Free Jack Idema Scam - Part Duce!

DISCOURAGED FORWARD! Junior Cape Crusaders Worldwide and our trusty side-kick "almost very out" Francis!


Notice: All links and materials forthwith are in the public domain, open sourced and not confidential.

Yes Junior Cape Crusaders Jack Idema a/k/a Rottweiler Puppy and yes Jack you are a rottypuppy, is spinning his "army of one"! You see to make the army complete Jack had to jump in and blog his way to fame! We laugh at Jack and his partner Lynn making unfounded accusations as to who we are! Shoot the messenger....Get a clue Jack! A clue? Well Jack here is one for you. As you are so very fond of spitting out that "you were there" as if that matters in the search for the truth, so we were too! From Bagram to Kubal "we were there", from Khost to Kandahar "we were there", from Tora Bora to Mazar-e-Sharif "we were there", right up to the bar at the Mustafa "we were there"! Yes Jack we even know about you threatening the CBS Production crew in Kubal at gun point! Get a clue Jack! BTW Bigdog we agree the NSA taps are all very legal! Maybe some of Jacks wingnuts need to take notice.......

By the way Jack we have taken the liberty of reporting your paypal to e bay as well as the USPIS. Wonder who in Jacks wingnutosphere will be next?

But that Junior Cape Crusaders is just part of the story. Yes Lynn Thomas character does play a critical role in determining ones motives, honesty and loyalties. Jack loves to associate with people who are a mirror image of himself and Jack just loves to exploit these weaknesses and character flaws to enhance his own image and position. Jack then dumps the fools when their usefulness expires. Its all part of Jacks master plan to achieve stardom!

Let's take a another look at two of Lynn Thomas's character flaws, honesty and loyalty.

Lynn Thomas as we have learned from the Smooth Talkers website is a employee of the Allstate Insurance Company of Northbrook, Illinois and is also president of Smooth Talkers a pro-Allstate website. Jack Idema who as we know by his real name Jonathan Keith Idema and J.K. Idema a/k/a Rottweiler Puppy owned the now debunked Counterr Terror Group of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Well back in 2000 Jack instituted one of his many outrageous lawsuit against none other than his fathers insurance company. About 10 months ago Jack settled his lawsuit after his father fell on his sword for his son and Jack was awarded some $800,000.00 of which the US Attorney seized some $260,000.00 and other creditors filed their liens. Of course Jack blew this up to be a historic 3.2 Million dollar award. Today Jack's lawyer John Edwards Tiffany holds Jacks money in his escrow account or so we are told. To achieve this settlement Jack used some very unsavory tactics to say the least (we know the story Jack and man o man do we smell insurance fraud). The parties need to take a very hard look and reexamine this case.

So back in 2000 to kick off this scam Jack posted this message on a anti-Allstate Insurance Company website,;

Remote Name:
Saturday, August 19, 2000
To J.Keith Idaman, Make sure you read your policy, I don't know what it is when you are robbed, but in some policy's it tells you how they pay on contents and in the policy's they had before there is a difference in actual cash value and replacement cost. They depreciate it and give you the depreciated amount and then they don't pay on replacement value until you replace it yourself. Just like on your home, they pay you the actual cash value then when you commence with construction they will pay the rest. Sometimes they will pay the amount sometimes they will not. Just go over this with your attorney, because they will use this as a defense when you go to trial. Remember they go by the policy, if your policy does state this make sure you replace it before you go to trial or mediation, or at least start to replace it. I know it sounds crazy, you are thinking if I don't have the money how can I replace it. What is crazy is that the judges go along with it. No matter how unbalanced the policy is , the judges have no mercy when it comes to the policy holder. I was reading a chat room for cat adjusters and they have a forum on famous people they have handled and one of them posted that when it comes to working with judges if they have a problem the judge just calls the defense counsel for the particular carrier and their claim is taken care of right away. I wonder how much it cost to buy a judge. Just make sure you have gone by the policy. Also you might try to make a settlement in writing before you go to trial, tell them you would be willing to take maybe 10 or 20% less. Do this in writing so it looks like you tried to negotiate and this way you will have it when you go before the judge. Good luck.

j. Keith Idema
Fayetteville, NC
Remote Name:
Friday, August 18, 2000
My House was robbed a year and a half ago. I am a special investigator for the General Counsel of a Fortune 1000 company and have been an investigator for Mike Wallace at CBS News 60 Minutes and other news organizations. The police did not have to catch the perpetrator, I caought her, got a confession on video tape and put her in jail for 18 months. This lawsuit is going to trial in about six months. Allstate still has refused to pay the claim, sending $2,000 on a 16,000+ loss. I am currently in a lawsuit with Allstate and I am looking for other suits, evidence that they lowball claims, use unfair and deceptive trade practices, defraud customers, etc, etc. Anyone that wants to join a class action in NC should contact me. Also anyone that may know of expert witnesses or former Allstate employees that are now whistleblowers, should contact me. Thanks much.

j. Keith Idema
Fayetteville, NC
Remote Name:
Friday, August 18, 2000
This site is great, as are the others about Allstate Insurance. My House was robbed a year and a half ago. I am a special investigator for the General Counsel of a Fortune 1000 company and have been an investigator for Mike Wallace at CBS News 60 Minutes and other news organizations. The police did not have to catch the perpetrator, I caught her, got a confession of video tape and put her in jail for 18 months. This lawsuit is going to trial in about six months. Allstate still has refused to pay the claim, sending $2,000 on a 16,000+ loss. I am currently in a lawsuit with Allstate and I am looking for other suits, evidence that they lowball claims, use unfair and deceptive trade practices, defraud customers, etc, etc. Anyone that wants to join a class action in NC should contact me. Also anyone that may know of expert witnesses or former Allstate employees that are now whistleblowers, should contact me. Thanks much."

Not only was the bull being thrown but it had wings! Of course Jack at the time did not work for Static Control and Skip London nor was he a investigator for Mike Wallace of CBS. So here we have Lynn Thomas a employee of Allstate and a contractor to Jack Idema spinning a story for not just a convicted felon but someone who is in a foreign prison convicted of violent crimes and who sued her employer, the same employer who Lynn Thomas is suppose to protect from scoundrels like Jack! Nice girl!

We find it interesting that Lynn Thomas is now in bed with Jack Idema though she attempted to hide her identity through her . The same Jack Idema who sued her employer. It leaves some very interesting questions which we think Allstate needs to take a very close look at;

a) How long has Lynn Thomas known Jack and Vicky Idema?
b) What is the relationship been Jack Idema and Lynn Thomas?
c) What does Lynn Thomas really know and when did she really know it?
d) What paypal transactions has Lynn Thomas been recording for Jack Idema?
e) Did Lynn Thomas communicate with Jack Idema or post to her blog using Allstate Computers and or e-mails?
f) Did Lynn Thomas help Jack Idema with his suit against her employer?
g) Is this why Lynn Thomas freaked out when she was outted?
h) Why is Lynn Thomas spinning for a convicted felon? Blackmail? Stupidity?

We believe either way that the Allstate Insurance Company needs to examine the Lynn Thomas-Jack Idema relationship to ensure that its institution was not compromised or is being compromised by one of their employees. Yes Character matters, because even if Lynn Thomas did not help Jack Idema sue her employer the mere fact that Lynn Thomas is spinning a story for a convicted felon who is currently in prison for violent acts and who sued her employer raises questions of creditability, honesty and loyalty not to mention a lack of good ole' common sense.

Yes Lynn character does matter, maybe not to Jack but to the rest of the world!

So Junior Cape Crusaders.... The plot thickens! Stay Tuned!

Discouraged Forward!
(BTW Jack, John Bolduc was not with the 595 in Afghanistan ....Bolduc was with Atiqullah Baryalai not Dostum! Nice try though!)

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