DISCOURAGED FORWARD! Junior Cape Crusaders Worldwide and our new trusty-side kick Award Winning Journalist Ed Caraballo!
For those of you imprisoned in Afghanistan... ROFLMAOWTIME means "Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off At You". Get it Jack? And we have to laugh at ole Lynn Thomas doing the JackLynn North Carolina Smoke Dance as she sprints, "
"Oh, and about the Special Forces flag Ed, Brent, and Zorro are holding above– a guy from Fort Bragg sent it to them. And in case anyone believes that crap on “the other” website, the fact is Jack is a Green Beret. He has been one since he was 18 years old, and kicked a lot of people’s asses over the years that said he wasn’t. Below is a picture from his graduation day in 1975 outside USAIMA (United States Army Institute For Military Assistance, as it was called then) Student Barracks on Smoke Bomb Hill at Fort Bragg. And by the way, these are Jack’s real classmates- some of those “sources” that claim they went through selection with Jack either flunked out or Jack never heard of them. Obviously, if you’ve browsed around this website, then you already know that Jack is the one in sunglasses (Raybans of course). So who you gonna believe, some punks hiding in Romania that are afraid to even divulge their names, and hide behind phony domain registrars and a phony background, or some other punks out of Columbia U who are also hiding behind phony names, fake ip addresses, etc.—or are you to believe your own eyes?"
...ah....JackLynn .... Thou cullionly whoreson flap-dragon! The only punk we know is I M P R I S O N E D and will serve out his ENTIRE sentence in Afghanistan. All talk...talk to talk and just mere words out of your mouth which is transmitted not so much by brain waves but more like a form of ear wax. JackLynn your word is about as worthy as your vanity wall sitting in H. John Idema's house! BTW JackLynn we are not afraid of you and your Jonathan Seagull threats..... Come kick our asses..... big man...... Your NOT a Green Beret! Passing the Q Course is one thing..serving with HONOR is another..... And Honor is something you know nothing about Jack!
Hey Thomas! Its this simple..... JackLynn is about as phony as you are! Post JackLynn's DD214 all of it! Show us a letter from the U.S. Army Inspector Generals Office confirming all of JackLynn's claims! Either prove us wrong or shut up! It seems all you can do is what your hero-boy does....make insulting claims, false accusations and threats.. Your exactly like your hero-boy a beslubbering dismal-dreaming haggard! Even Jack's Binny knows him!
Here is the challenge Thomas : Post JackLynn's DD214 all of it! Show us a letter from the U.S. Army Inspector Generals Office confirming all of JackLynn's claims! Either prove us wrong or shut up!
(Big tough guy Jack....)
Monday, February 20, 2006
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You'll see his dd14 in court
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