Sunday, October 01, 2006

The BULL Fly's Again!

DISCOURAGED FORWARD! Junior Cape Crusaders and our trusty side-kick Psychotic and Homicidal Lynn"The Lying Brain" Thomas of COWS BLOC!

Yes Junior Cape Crusaders something is amiss in Kabul! General Major Colonel Bennett of Task Farse 7 Sabre was whisked out of Jacbo's clutches and kicked out of Afghanistan to a stupor secret location for re-education and mind control .... What hogwash being pumped by Lynn "The Lying Brain" Thomas... Hey Bennett think you learned a lesson like the next time stay away from Jack Idema?

According to Lynn "The Lying Brain" Thomas -

"Bennett family: Brent is fine, no thanks to the US State Department. A teammate of ours spoke to him. He is no longer in State Department custody, and the information on Caos blog can be confirmed. He says he cannot make contact right now for reasons we can't go into. Actually I should say he is not just fine, he is safe and continuing to support his teammates from an undisclosed location. Jack and Zorro are also fine, facing continued assaults by the State Department, but in good spirits and holding out while the dust settles. Rumor is that certain members of the Afghan govt are not happy about the State Department and FBI using Afghan forces for an illegal operation and attempted illegal extradition of Americans. Kabul TV announced tonight that the Supreme Court admitted the men had been innocent all along."

LOL What a bunch of BULLSHIT! We just love this crap Thomas spins "
He says he cannot make contact right now for reasons we can't go into." "he is safe and continuing to support his teammates from an undisclosed location". "Kabul TV announced tonight that the Supreme Court admitted the men had been innocent all along." Hey Lynnbo please post the link to the story! Whats next? Jackbo continues to fight the KGB, CIA, GRU, DoS, DoD, FBI, UFOs assault! Out numbered by the forces of truth our Hero Jackbo continues his lying assault while saving the entire world from prison......

Hey Tiffany go ahead make our day you have enough problems already please help us out here and add to them.....Like open your mouth with more stupid statements! The recorder is running......

Oh well Junior Cape Crusaders don't fear General Major Bennett will surface soon enough... Maybe in irons or maybe he is spilling his guts to the FBI on ole Jackbo.... But we will keep you posted..... Can't give the entire plot away here.... BUT! The real questions are who will save western civilization from the death blows of Usama Bin Laden with only half of the Stupor Patriots still in prison? How will Jackbo manage now that he is alone? How will Lynnbo lie through her teeth to save her Jackass lover boy? Will Tiffany get sanctioned? Is General Major Bennett ratting ole Jackbo out or maybe his family has finally kicked some sense into him?

Stay tuned Junior Cape Crusaders ..... Lynnbo is on the lying roll and there is more to come!

Look at the brightside Jack! Your force protection is no longer with you... LOL!

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